My final look of this wonderful state was from the airplane. A big airplane. Many people suggested that I take a helicopter ride or a small plane ride to see the majesty of the glaciers. But I just didn’t have the nerve to do so. Instead, I was able to capture these visions from my seat (in First Class – I’ll explain in a moment) as we left Anchorage on our return to Seattle. The airport in Anchorage was a treasure as well. We arrived early enough to process our very heavy luggage. Bought lots of stuff on the trip. Since we had these extra bags and had to pay more for them, I thought that there might be another way to handle the fees since First Class doesn’t have to pay for luggage. Upgrading cost an additional $100 but our luggage cost $40 so we made that choice easily. By the way, we also got free food and drinks. After unloading our bags we noticed that there was an exhibit of Native Alaskan artwork in the airport. What a treat – one last opportunity to soak in the beauty of the Alaskan people. This exhibit is from modern artists interpreting the iconic artifacts of their heritage. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
did you bring home any eskimoes? just wondering. maybe a tall good looking one. the catch of the day!!!